Background Information

Re-entry or second chance is the process of ending a period of incarceration, leaving jail or prison, and returning to society Individuals returning to their communities after a term of imprisonment face several barriers to success, including housing insecurity, inability to access health care, food insecurity, and barriers to education and employment. While some blame is attributable to the lack of rehabilitative services in prison settings, a large body of research has concluded that discrimination, inadequate support, and legal barriers to opportunities set returning citizens up for failure.

Re-entry and class employment disparities in Minnesota are well-documented. For instance, recent research compiled by Wilder Research in the Minnesota Compass project shows that while the Twin Cities ranks number one among America’s largest metropolitan areas in terms of overall employment participation, it consistently ranks among the last in terms of racial disparities in that same measure. What role does the state’s public workforce system have in addressing these re-entry disparities?  This grant is the key to addressing significant barriers to re-entry employment and ensuring participants to equal training and employment opportunities.

Mandatory Qualifications

Please read carefully

  1. Be a Minnesota resident
  2. Not have worked or been employed for 15 weeks in the past year
  3. Be within 3-6 months of release from various corrections
  4. Be authorized to work in the U.S.A.

Proposed Service Summary

The primary goal of the grant is to provide Reentry incarcerated adults with critical skills-building and supportive services before and after release so they can successfully reenter their communities and the labor force. Participants will benefit from foundation skills such as job readiness, employability, digital literacy, and job search strategies. In addition to providing registered apprenticeships and occupational training leading to industry-recognized credentials can provide access to employment.


Other Services will include:

  • Develop comprehensive support services. Use of social skills training to help individuals understand interpersonal skills, such as communication, time management, and anger management
  • For reentry individuals, we will offer Parental training.
  • Extensive mentoring and partnership will significantly help formerly incarcerated people succeed when reentering.
  • Encourage family-based support in shaping outcomes post-release.
  • Cultural Fatherhood Nurturing Class

Executive Summary

Using innovative approaches to provide work readiness preparation in different occupations and contextualized career explorations to those with the most significant barriers leading to industry-recognized credentials, provide a solid connection for employment outcomes with multiple entry and exits, and earning the professional credential licenses, and provide wraparound supports

Application Process


The Re-entry competitive grant program seeks to serve justice involved individuals who are Minnesota residents, have not worked or had employment for 15 weeks in the last year, and are within 0-6 months of release or have been released in the last 0-6 months from various correctional facilities in the state. Participants will receive one-on-one career counseling/case management, job search assistance, skills training, and wrap-around support services working closely with a Navigator


The interventions will address health, employment, housing, skill development, mentorship, and social networks, as these factors significantly impact reentry success

This the process:

  1. Application form — We need the following:
    • A copy of my driver’s license,
    • social security card,
    • Work authorization/ Permanent Resident/ Green Card
  2. Signed release of information.