Men Resources

We will outline ”The secret guide to being a good dad after Divorce.”

  1. Choosing the right time to divorce
  2. The emotional impact of Divorce
  3. The financial implications of Divorce
  4. Being a good dad after Divorce for the children of the relationship
  5. Domestic Violence Against Men:-
  6. Self-Care 

When considering how to be a good dad after Divorce, it is essential to take the time to prepare for the divorce and not delay the process for longer than it needs to be. Remember, Divorce is a big, life-changing decision.

Children often want parental disputes to cease, and thus the process is resolved as soon as possible.

You may also feel you wish to move on with your life and not prolong the Divorce any longer.



1. Choosing the right time to divorce

Please note that In this day and age, Divorce is a strategic move that is not purely emotional. For example, parties that file too soon may find themselves under pressure to produce documents in such a short period; however, delaying Divorce can make it challenging to track down financial records. Parties may also feel unable to move on with their life without experiencing the sense of closure divorce brings. If there are children involved, this also complicates the process.

This article serves as a guide for parties considering when to file for Divorce. Nevertheless, it is crucial to believe that this timing will differ for everybody depending on their unique circumstances. You must also start collecting documentation, pictures, or other proof that can be used in a court of law.


2. The emotional impact of Divorce

The most significant factor you must consider is whether or not you are emotionally prepared for Divorce.

Perhaps you will never be ultimately ‘prepared’; however, it is crucial to have an excellent mental state regarding the Divorce before beginning proceedings, as this will set the tone for the process. Fathers, reach out to a Fatherhood Advocate and know your rights.

Being ready emotionally means that the Divorce should ideally not come as a shock or surprise, and behaving calmly and logically regarding the application.

If you find yourself having trouble making other decisions, constantly snapping at others, or perpetually in emotional distress, these may be signs that you are not ready.

Seeking professional help through a separation expert, divorce coach, or relationship or fatherhood advocate can aid you in coming to terms with Divorce and its life-changing effects.

January is often a popular month to file for Divorce, as it signifies new beginnings after coming to terms with a difficult decision.


3. The financial impact of Divorce

 While it is vital to be in the right mental state before getting a divorce, it is also critical to consider financial factors.

This includes assembling your financial paperwork, opening new personal bank accounts, saving money, and finding professional legal representation. Some entail moving and seeking another residence.

This will ensure that you are well-equipped to deal with the process when it begins and will be less likely to be blindsided by the new financial reality you face after Divorce.

Being financially secure is extremely important when considering how to have a successful divorce.

Having the proper paperwork and team on hand will boost your confidence and ease emotional distress regarding Divorce.



4. Being a good dad after Divorce for the children of the relationship

If there are children in the relationship, it is vital to consider Divorce’s impact on them. Being a good dad after Divorce means you consider the children’s age and maturity. Younger children are usually less self-sufficient and may find adjusting to significant life transitions more challenging. Children communicate in ways other than words.

Their responses to a divorce may be expressed through their drawings or actions.

Some children isolate themselves and avoid talking about Divorce. In contrast, others may become ‘clingy’ and constantly feel like they need to see and be with the parent they are predominantly staying with.

This means that the child feels like they have ‘lost’ the other parent and do not want to lose their remaining parent.

Some children may backslide in their behavior and talk in baby talk or fall back into toilet training.

Some may have night terrors or become more aggressive and rebellious toward others, including their parents. There is so much emotional pain.

It would help if you remembered that children are yet to develop the emotional intelligence to communicate a lot of their emotions, so this behavior is a cry for help that they need your special attention.

With time, most of these behavioral problems disappear.

However, if they persist over a long period, it is best to seek help.

However, how you and your spouse relay the news to your children will make a big difference in handling the change.

It is advised not to focus on arguments but to reiterate to the children that their well-being is your and your spouse’s major priority in this process to ensure a painless transition.


5. Domestic Violence Against Men: –

Do you know Domestic violence against men is steadily increasing? So, many men want to apply for a divorce immediately to hasten the removal of any ties to the perpetrator.

Studies show that staying in a marriage with family violence has long-term severe psychological impacts on those involved.

Notably, children are at high risk of repeating offensive behavior as adults in their relationships or falling victim to abusive relationships.

We strongly recommend that victims of domestic violence seriously consider escaping their relationships by seeking a divorce from their spouses.


6. Self-care:

Divorce and legal separation are some of the most complex and stressful experiences in life. They change a person’s life completely, and handling legal and financial matters while also bearing the emotional stress of ending a long-term relationship is a lot for a person to take on. Amid all these changes, it’s too easy to let certain things slide, such as taking care of oneself.

To say that you’ll make many tough decisions during a divorce is an understatement. You’ll be confronted with questions that will affect your future and profoundly affect the fates of any children you and your former partner